The 0xSalon is a collaborative endeavour which critically interrogates digital culture through discourse events and residencies, producing scholarly and creative interventions in the process. We are conducting an ongoing, non-profit experiment in knowledge sharing and collective cultural production. Stewarded by 0xSalon team members, our community researches topics, organises events, and authors lore, theory, poetry, music, games, theatre, and visual art. Our website principally functions as a transmedia archival space, chronicling discussions within the 0xSalon and the resulting activities. A historical events archive is being collated here.
(events) We’ll be invoking our FAU0X SALON card deck on Monday 17th February at the Something Else art biennale in Cairo, Egypt. More info here and at Darb 1718’s IG. | ||
(review) we published our annual summary and look back at 2024. Read here. | ||
Poster by CITYCITY Gallery Bangkok | (events) We took over the BOOKSHOP LIBRARY of BANGKOK CITYCITY GALLERY on the afternoons of Saturday 16th and Friday 22nd November 2024. Over those two sessions, we presented the projects FAU0X SALON, THE IMMACULATE MISCONCEPTION, AND POST-CLOCK RATIONALISATIONS. | 0xSalon @ Bangkok CITYCITY Gallery: FAU0X SALON 0xSalon @ Bangkok CITYCITY Gallery: POST-CLOCK RATIONALISATIONS & THE IMMACULATE MISCONCEPTION |
(fiction) “DUMBs: A Testament”, a short satirical text by Habib William Kherbek - not entirely unrelated to the imminent US election - has been published on our webjournal. | ||
(poetics) “المستحيل مكتوب // Al-mustahil Maktoub“, a short text on writing, geometry, and divinity has been published. | ||
(October’24) ::: Dissonant Cartomancies: A God That Does Play Dice @ Unsound Festival Art and theory collective 0xSalon presents an unpredictable experience at Unsound Festival, harnessing randomness to deliberately destabilise one of the most stilted conversational forms: the panel discussion. For the past few years, 0xSalon has been developing a bespoke discourse card game, FAU0X SALON, which facilitates bizarre conversations—veering wildly between the sublime and the ridiculous—that would otherwise be impossible. An expanded and updated version of the card deck has been re-engineered to act as a chaotic stochastic moderator, shifting agency away from human facilitators and placing faith in chance and dissonance. Unsound Festival has graciously volunteered to be the test subjects for this deranged experiment—or, as the music industry would call it, a "world premiere." | Photo courtesy of Unsound Festival | |
SalonCast006 - Sensing The Unseeable by 0xSalon | (September’24) ‘Sensing The Unseeable’ Audio Report ::: Read More & Stream Here We held three 0xSalon conversations under Chatham House Rule on 'Sensing The Unseeable'. This is an audio conversation recollecting and extending those discussions. With With Wassim Alsindi, Martina Cavalot, Jaya Klara Brekke, Habib William Kherbek, Kathryn Lawrence & Max Haiven. | |
(August’24) ::: 0xSalon @ Dweb Camp, California ::: More info | ||
19/8/24 The Chain Mail Gaze @ Web3 Summit, Berlin | The Chain Mail Gaze @ Norbergfestival 2024 by 0xSalon | (summer ‘24) ::: The Chain Mail Gaze @ Norbergfestival, Sweden & Funkhaus Berlin ::: More info |
(article) Max Haiven & Wassim Alsindi in conversation for Outland on Bitcoin, time, and power. Read here. | ||
(residency) Meet the 2024 0xSalon Residents: Alessandro Y. Longo and Sammie Veeler, and their projects: more info. | ||
(fiction) a small selection of 0xSalon-themed fictional vignettes ‘Every Prophet Is A Loss’ were included in the third issue of NOIA Magazine, which is out now. Read on our webjournal here, or go here for more info & to purchase a copy. | ||
(radio discussion) On Alternative Education with Aliaskar Abarkas :: Listen again | ||
(article) The Black Hole of Money play script published ::: More info | ||
(July ‘24) ::: Herbert W. Franke Generative Art Summit @ Akademie der Kunst, Berlin ::: More Info | ||
(April’24) ::: Nervous Systems @ Institute of Contemporary Art, London ::: More info
| Image: Christina Cushing. | |
DIGITAL SUMMIT: HOW INDEPENDENT COMMUNITIES ARE UNLOCKING THE FUTURE OF CULTURE | (February’24) ::: Digital Summit @ Art Dubai ::: More info We explore the transformative role of independent communities in shaping the future of culture, highlighting their contribution to a more inclusive and participatory cultural landscape. We examine the synergy between these entities in fostering cultural innovation and address the challenges and opportunities ahead for creating a dynamic and resilient future. | |
(February’24) ::: CYBERNETIC SERENDIPITY symposium @ Institute of Contemporary Art, London ::: More info | ||
![]() 01/02/24 The Immaculate Misconception Performance at | (February’24) ::: The Immaculate Misconception Performance & Afterparty @, Berlin ::: More info Update: thanks for coming! Here’s the livestream in case you missed it. | |
(January’24) ::: Sensing The Unseeable: how scientific discovery shapes who we are ::: More info This Vorspiel-affiliated event is part of the exhibition series Schwindel, of which the latest iteration Dort, wo das Nichts ist presents works by Yen Chun Lin and Tanja Nis-Hansen. How does science represent the world? And what does the sky teach us about ourselves? In this discursive group session, we will collectively probe the ways in which the scientific image - the world picture established by centuries of methodical and formalised discovery - shatters and recomposes the manifest image: how humankind conceives of itself. Looking at the history of our understanding of space, will enable us to take stock of the implications to knowledge carried over by the paradigms we choose to interpret reality. | ||
(2023) Year-In-Review article just dropped ::: read it here! A janitorial perspective at the nadir of the year. | ||
'Fau0x Salon' Discussion with Wassim Z. Alsindi and Max Haiven | (November’23) ::: ‘Fau0x Salon’ in ‘The Seashore of Endless Worlds’ exhibition at Le Commun in Geneva, Switzerland ::: More info Our discursive role-playing card game ‘Fau0x Salon’ is included in the exhibition ‘The Seashore of Endless Worlds’ exhibition at Le Commun in Geneva, Switzerland in November 2023. In the form of a bespoke collection of theory-fiction inspired cards in the style of a tarot deck, the game acts as a ludic-pedagogic mechanism to initiate and steer post-disciplinary conversations from a variety of perspectives. Wassim and Max Haiven spoke ‘On Play and Pedagogy’ for the closing symposium of ‘The Seashore of Endless Worlds’ exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland. The exhibition contained a card game ‘FAU0X SALON’ which Wassim and friends have been working for for several years. | |
(October’23) ::: Post-Clock Rationalisations - Trust Public Event @ 19h30 CEST ::: More info The auricle is the part of the ear external to the body, made up of cartilage and skin, its curved shape collects sound waves and delivers them to the inner ear. Detecting gravity and motion, the ear is an integral part of how the body moves through its environment and thus shapes our relationship to time. Oracle and auricle share etymological roots in sound and speech acts. This month in the Trust program, we explore how the auricle stands in for time sensing, listening and manifestation or prophecy – thinking about the role of organisations in calling out to alternate horizons. Spawned within and incubated by Trust for the past few years, the 0xSalon conducts experiments in creative and scholarly collaboration. Activities take the forms of an event series, a residency program, physical objects, and a project studio. We like to think of its collective body as an amorphous bricolage of concepts, contexts, and practices. Drawing upon recent publications and an upcoming book, Wassim will be connecting several strands of long-standing research into network communities: synthetic temporalities; ideologies of scarcity; and relationships between prophecy, capital, and technology. Martina will be presenting the 0xSalon as a collective digital and physical body: focusing on the intellectual commitments; the organisational manifestations; and the historical trajectory of the project, to delineate its scope as an experimental space for epistemic inquiry. | Post-Clock Rationalisations with Wassim Z. Alsindi Collective Bodies ✦ Auricle with Martina Cavalot | |
(September’23) ‘Prophet Motives’ Audio Report ::: Read More & Stream Here We held two 0xSalon conversations under Chatham House Rule on 'Prophet Motives'. This is an audio conversation recollecting and extending those discussions. With Wassim Alsindi, Martina Cavalot, Jasmine Erkan, Ellie Hain, Kei Kreutler, Alessandro Longo & Karin Valis. | ||
(September’23) ::: ‘The Immaculate Misconception’ in ‘There Is No Perfect Spell’ exhibition, HEK Basel, Switzerland ::: More info Our 2022 interactive storytelling environment ‘The Immaculate Misconception’ is included in the exhibition ‘There Is No Perfect Spell’, hosted by Haus der Elektronischen Künste (HEK) in Basel, Switzerland from 14th September. The game interrogates the environmental implications of cryptocurrencies, charting speculative futures that probe tensions between capital and ecology in the contemporary global regime dominated by scarcity economics. The work unfolds as a fictional narrative, where formerly ‘failed’ states make Bitcoin their official currency, as volcano-powered energy makes them the richest nations on Earth, and eco-conscious activists start rising up against mining farms. Join the opening at 18h CEST, Thursday 14th September here. | Image: Anna-Luise Lorenz, text: Habib William Kherbek | |
(August’23) ::: ‘Period of HOZ’ by Aphotic Signals Intelligence Division Published ::: More info <<Begin Aphotic Signals Intelligence Division transmission>> (launched 31.08.23 03:36 [Phase: Blue Moon, Illumination: 100%, Sign: Aquarius, Conjunctions: Saturn {Retrograde}]) | ||
(July’23) ::: ‘Prophet Motives & Knightwork States’ essay published by Folklore ::: Read now A new text commissioned by Folklore has been published, exploring several aspects of 0x Salon topic Prophet Motives. Unwinding imbrications of technology, capital, and spirituality, with particular emphasis on the neocolonial desires of would-be empires and their self-appointed messiahs. | Image generated using Midjourney | |
Image generated using Midjourney | (June’23) ::: Meet the ‘23 0x Salon Research Residents ::: More info As you might be aware, the 0x Salon recently had a call for applications to our Research Residency program based in Berlin at Trust. After a very successful first round in 2021/2022, the 0x Salon recently re-initiated its Research Residency Programme for a second cycle. In late March, we announced five vacancies, to be based in Berlin at Trust where we continue to spend our days enmeshed in the ever-expanding playground of Salon activities. We’re so excited for you to meet our five incoming Residents! | |
(April’23) ::: 0x Salon @ Gitcoin: Community & Education Fundraising Drive ::: More info 0x Salon is raising funds via Gitcoin Grants' first Community & Education Round. Help us spread the word, or donate if you can! More info elsewhere on our website, here’s the direct link to our funding page on Gitcoin Grants. The platform operates via a matched funding model, so that many small donations from community members can be amplified into meaningful resources. | Image generated using Midjourney | |
(2023) ::: CALL FOR APPLICATIONS ::: 0x Salon Research Residencies @ Trust ::: closed We are pleased to announce that 0x Salon is soliciting applications for five Research Residency positions in Berlin, to take place over the remainder of 2023. More info here. | Image generated using Midjourney | |
(March’23) ::: ‘Prophet Motives’ lecture, UWE Philosophy with a preview of the next topic of discussion at the 0x Salon ::: Watch here | Prophet Motives Lecture @ UWE Philosophy, March'23 // Wassim Z. Alsindi | |
Image generated using pix2pix | (February’23) ::: ‘The Necroprimitivist Manifesto Pt.2’ is online, continuing the CPRU’s machine scripture project ::: Read here
| |
(February’23) ::: ‘2022 RETROSPECTIVE: THE ART OF INDIFFERENCE’ is now online. Recapping most of last year’s Salon escapades, if (like us) you couldn’t keep up with everything as it was happening this is the remedy ::: Read here | Your friend $HASHY, gaslighting the planet to keep Bitcoin running. | |
(January’23) ::: ‘TWENTY-TWO YEARS OF TRANSCENDENTAL TIME MACHINES’ a new foreword for the book edition of Anna Greenspan’s seminal PhD thesis ‘Capitalism’s Transcendental Time Machine’ mirrored on our web journal ::: Read here We also held a broadcast edition salon to commemorate the ‘Capitalism’s Transcendental Time Machine’ book launch ::: Watch here | Design by CritDrip | Broadcast Edition ::: 22 Years of Transcendental Time Machines |
Photo by Art Hub Copenhagen, featuring performers Neil Bennun, Lasse Bondesen, Nynne Roberta Pedersen Pedersen, and Katharine Tyndall | The Art of Indifference: Wassim Z. Alsindi & the 0x Salon's STARTS Residency Video (full) | (November’22) ::: ‘THE ART OF INDIFFERENCE’ S+T+ARTS Profile Video ::: More Info As part of our S+T+ARTS Repairing The Present residency at Art Hub Copenhagen, Wassim Z. Alsindi and ‘The Art of Indifference’ team recorded a video documenting our creative exploration of the externalities and ecological implications of Bitcoin's proof-of-work. |
(November’22) ::: ‘THE BLACK HOLE OF MONEY’ at S+T+ARTS Exhibition :RETOOL ::: ZKM CENTRE FOR MEDIA ART (Karlsruhe, Germany) ::: Event Info Audiovisual documentation from our satirical theatre production THE BLACK HOLE OF MONEY is included in the upcoming S+T+ARTS exhibition :RETOOL (18th November-18th December) at ZKM Centre For Media Art in Karlsruhe, Germany. :RETOOL is the final exhibition in a series of three that concludes our ‘Repairing The Present’ residency at Art Hub Copenhagen. In light of accelerating emergencies, a growing lack of resources and the complex patterns of the unpredictability of global dynamics, RETOOL gathers creative contributions of resident artists and studios to our tooling up. As pandemic breakouts and eco-catastrophes teach us to live under the pressure of future fractures, new forms of learning and tooling become essential to survival and are presented in their performative dimension, from invention processes to experimentation and rehearsal. More: | THE BLACK HOLE OF MONEY Theatre Premiere presented by CLICK Festival (Helsingor, Denmark, 19/8/22) | |
Image by Anna-Luise Lorenz | (October’22) ::: ‘THE IMMACULATE MISCONCEPTION’ at S+T+ARTS Exhibition :REWORLD ::: MEET Digital Culture Center (Milan, Italy) ::: Event Info Our interactive story-game THE IMMACULATE MISCONCEPTION is included in the upcoming S+T+ARTS exhibition :REWORLD (4th-30th October) at Meet Digital Culture Center in Milan. :REWORLD is the first of a series of three exhibition that concludes our ‘Repairing The Present’ residency at Art Hub Copenhagen. The exhibition speaks of worlding as a core activity in digital culture: an emerging domain of constructed reality that must face its own sustainability challenges and contradictions, as the blockchain economy seems to go through a critical moment of self-awareness. :REWORLD will follow the investigations of artists working in domains such as immunology, biomaterials, the crypto economy, speculative design, and cultural critique with a variety of technologies and material languages. More: | |
(Autumn’22) ::: 0x Revue 01 Print Publication Released! Our first print publication, a community-oriented ‘zine styled the 0x Salon Revue #01 is now out there! Find us IRL to get a copy (it’s not online), or if you are further afield than the places we visit, to request a postal copy please fill in this form and we’ll get back to you. | ||
The Runestone CΩwbΩy: Searching For A Rune With A View Get To Know $HASHY | Art & Design by Joel Galvin / VentralIsGolden | (August’22) ::: ‘THE BLACK HOLE OF MONEY’ World Premiere presented by CLICK ::: Kulturvaerftet (Helsingør, Denmark) ::: Event Info At long last, the (transcendental) time (machine) has come: On the 19th of August 2022, The Black Hole of Money by the 0x Salon will make its world premiere hosted by Click at the Kulturvaerftet (Culture Yard) in Helsingør, Denmark. The play was written and produced as part of Wassim Z. Alsindi & 0x Salon’s S+T+ARTS Repairing The Present Fellowship and associated residency at Art Hub Copenhagen. Six months in the making, the 0x Salon Writers’ Club—comprising Wassim Z. Alsindi, Habib William Kherbek, Claire Tolan, and Katharine Tyndall—have collectively prepared an iron ore d’oeuvre that will render all other plays about digital currencies effectively obsolete. The play explores four possible timelines for Bitcoin’s (and, incidentally, humanity’s) future. Can we regulate the Coin? Can we/should we fight against it? Should we give up and just keep hashing? Or, should we press the #Accelerate-or and see what happens? Only the Cowboy-Out-Of-Time narrating our coup de theatre knows for certain, and even he’s not sure which timeline to invest in. The uncertainty promises to have audiences HODLing on to the edges of their seats… |
(May’22) ::: ‘The Art of Indifference’ Presentation at Art Hub Copenhagen ::: Info/Tickets Wassim will be giving a public talk on the evening of Thursday May 12th at Art Hub Copenhagen—where the Salon is currently undertaking a residency—on the philosophical and creative underpinnings of our S+T+ARTS Repairing The Present Fellowship. Come along! More on ‘The Art of Indifference’ here. | Image generated with VQGAN+CLIP | |
SalonCast004 - DAOColonisation by 0x Salon | (Apr’22) ::: ‘DAOcolonisation’ Audio Report ::: Read More & Stream Here We recently held a 0x Salon conversation under Chatham House Rule on the history, politics, philosophy and technology of Web3 and DAOs. This is an audio report based on that discussion. With Wassim Z. Alsindi, Alice Yuan Zhang, Laura Lotti, and Ricardo Saavedra. | |
(Feb’22) ::: ‘SWAN FAKE’ Improvised Theatrics ::: Listen on SoundCloud Over 2021, a group of salon friends made an improvised radio play entitled ‘SWAN FAKE’ . The play follows the (mis)adventures of a cast of improbable characters including new-AIge grifter Deepfake Chopra, acc/strologist Nota Bene Gesserit, the mean and regressive standard deviant Marquis de Stats, angry tweeter Noisy T. Lib, and the perfect dancer The Swan herself. The listen follows them over half an hour’s trials and tribulations as they navigate the treacherous and always uncertain Straits of Heisenberg towards the Improbable Island for an unforgettable climax at the fabled Algorithmic Theatre, where the audience struggles to tell up from DAOn. | SWAN FAKE - An Improbable Radio Play by 0x Salon | |
Image generated with VQGAN+CLIP | (Mar’22) ::: S+T+ARTS Repairing The Present Residency ::: Read more | |
(Feb’22) ::: ‘Bitcointingency’ Article for Weird Economies ::: Read Here | Image generated with VQGAN+CLIP | |
Image generated with VQGAN+CLIP | (Jan’22) ::: Berlin Art Link ‘Digital’ Feature on 0x Salon ::: Read Here | |
(Nov’21) ::: ‘Temporal Secessionism’ Broadcast ::: Timezone#4 Launch ::: Watch / Read Accompanying Timezone#4 Source Book PDF contains material from Wassim Alsindi, Anna Greenspan, Max Hampshire, Amy Ireland, Kei Kreutler, and Paul Seidler. | 22/11/21 Temporal Secessionism Broadcast Edition 0x Salon w/ Nascent & Plaza Protocol | |
(Nov’21) ::: SalonCasts 002 and 003 Published ::: The Indifference Engine & Transcendental Time Machines | SalonCast002 - The Indifference Engine | SalonCast003 - Transcendental Time Machines |
(Oct’21) ::: Meet the 0xSalon Research Residents ::: Read more here. | ||
(June’21) ::: SalonCast001 Published: Non-Fungible $ALON. More here. | SalonCast001 - Non-Fungible Tokens by 0xSalon | |
(Dec’20) ::: 2020 Year-in-Review published. Read here. | ||
(Dec’20) ::: Algorithmic Realism salon report series published ::: Read here. These written outputs were produced collaboratively following 0x003 salon conversations. Contributors that consent to be credited are listed here. Process development, editing, transcriptions and topic research: Wassim Alsindi & Daniel Shinbaum Article writing & feedback: Wassim Alsindi, Sam Diamond, Valentin Golev, Chris Harris, Laura Lotti, Daniel Shinbaum Salon discussion participants: Wassim Alsindi, Morris Clay, Aleksandr Delev, Sam Diamond, Valentin Golev, Beatrix Joyce, Andrea Kelemen, Laura Lotti, Patrick Rawson, Patrick Urs Reichert, Sebnem Rusitschka, Ricardo Saavedra, Paul Seidler, Daniel Shinbaum, Shermin Voshmgir, Michael Zargham | ||
(Aug’20) ::: Trespasser Theory article published ::: Read here. his written outputs was produced following 0x002 salon conversations. Salon discussion participants listed below