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Notes on Characters and Terms

Published onApr 20, 2024
Notes on Characters and Terms

THE BLACK HOLE OF MONEY theatre script

Notes on Characters and Terms


$HASHY: (§2, 5, 8, 25, 27): a virtual influencer from the mid-2000s, manufactured by Big Coal and the Bitcoin mining cartel to gaslight and greenwash the public.

Bryce, Desmond: (§13): Successful Bitcoin traders who have purchased dwellings inside the exclusive private residency complex known as ‘The QuBe’. 

Commissioner Gordon, Commissioner Scali: (§4) Commissioners of US Regulatory bodies tasked with exploring the viability of bringing Bitcoin into the mainstream economy. 

Cornwall, Devin: (§18) Bitcoin believing developers trapped on earth working for the coin in a post-conflict environment. 

DemiDevs 1, 2, 3, and 4: (§24) Council of developers operating within the innermost Bitcoin citadel to maintain the security of The Coin against attacks.

Devmonious, Mancius: (§15) Warped developers, followers of the Necroprimitive ideological strain. 

Miner King, etc: (§22): Symbolic, pseudo-divine leader of surviving miners in a post-apocalyptic subterranean Bitcoin cult. 

Ol’ Coiny-Be, fka Bitcoin: (§….) The headless hydra itself. A protocol, a network, a coin, a dream, a reality, a nightmare.

Runestone Cowboy: (§3, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 20, 23, 26) Time-travelling rugged Bitcoin wrangler. A neo-western, black pill on every timeline. A washed-up libertarian vagabond who has seen so many futures, that they don’t hold hope any more.

Peer/Piers:(§6) Bitcoin miner; an individual without subjectivity. 

Professor Hugh Bristix: (§4, 16) Ambitious professor teaching at the Byzantine Business School; later becomes a prominent political figure, addressing international bodies as head of a power base of institutional regulators and critics. 

Templateer Knight: (§15) Crusading knight from an eco-nihilist movement resisting against Bitcoin.

TradeWyfe: (§15) Mathemagician and delphic oracle. “She could solve mining hashes in her mind.”

Vashti, Worm: (§6) environmental activists living off-grid in hopes of creating an ecological utopia. 

YikYakkers: (§10): Social media influencers whose performance personae are based on the energy resource models (e.g. solar, nuclear, hydraulic fracturing, etc.) they support, performing complex choreographed dance moves as they manifest their motivations into reality.  


[Mining with A[sic]s: all bizarre spellings are to be understood as intentional]

Versus In Numinis: pun combining the concept of ‘verses’ (poetic lines), ‘numinousness’ (relating to spirituality), ‘versus’ (contention), and ‘numismatics’ (the study of coins).

Before the Genesis, In the formless block void: referring to the ‘Genesis Block’, the first Bitcoin mined in 2009, so-called in reference to the first book of the Bible. The Genesis Block provided the model for all subsequent Bitcoin transactions. 

Of Indifference, and repetition: a reference to Deleuze’s 1968 book Difference and Repetition, playing on Bitcoin’s “indifference” to its environs and any externalities it might generate.

Ein Wienertraum…: ‘A Viennese Dream', referring to both the Vienna circle of psychoanalysis and the ‘Austrian School’ of economics.

Hail Hayek!: Friedrich von Hayek (1899 - 1992): Leading figure in the so-called ‘Austrian School’ of economics. Author of the polemic The Road To Serfdom (1944). Advocate of individualism, economic libertarianism, and free markets.  

Hail Mises!: Ludwig von Mises (1881 - 1973): Key figure in the popularisation of ‘Austrian School’ economics and pricing theory in 20th century economics. Advocate of libertarian free-market based ideology. Namesake of the Mises Institute, a libertarian think-tank dedicated to disseminating his ideas.

Hail Rothbard!: Murray Rothbard (1926 - 1995): Economist associated with theory of ‘anarcho capitalism’, combining elements of anarchist state theory with advocacy of free markets. Key figure in the popularisation of Ludwig von Mises thought. Rothbard is also associated with the contemporary alt-right as a result of his advocacy for forging a common project between conservatives and libertarians, and his support for former Ku Klux Klansman, David Duke’s political career.  

Hail Satoshi! Satoshi Nakamoto, pseudonymous author of the ‘Bitcoin Whitepaper’ (2008) and a leading figure in the creation and theory of Bitcoin.  

Then should the proof-of-worker: reference to the proof-of-work ‘competitive lottery’ method used by Bitcoin, applying the solving of complex mathematical problems to make new Bitcoins available. 

The private key of El Salvador: reference to the acceptance of Bitcoin as legal tender by the government of El Salvador in 2021. 

Transcendental time machine: Reference to Anna Greenspan’s Capitalism’s Transcendental Time Machine, an influential Ph.D. thesis at the University of Warwick UK examining Kantian and Deleuzo-Guattarian philosophy as connected to the measurement, distribution, and production of temporal regimes. 

Good morning / Geeeeee Emmmmmmm / GM / Mornings are good!: reference to greeting among Bitcoin and blockchain users/followers on social media. This ‘joke’, such as it is, refers to the value of getting involved in a given crypto-finance proposition early and the expectation of a bright future. 

Web3: A term loosely applied to crypto-economic technologies such as those using blockchains, tokens or other forms of applied cryptography.

Bitcoin timetraveller: reference to a series of reddit posts from 2015 purporting to be written by a time traveller who would recount the future history of Bitcoin from the year 2025. The character’s predictions/revelations have been somewhat unreliable with regard to outcomes thus far. 

Dev-ills: pun linking the word ‘developers’ - the individuals who create and sustain cryptocurrencies - and the novel The Devils (1871) by Fyodor Dostoevsky, about an anarchist terrorist cell operating in Czarist Russia.

Bitlievers: pun referring to those fanatically devoted to Bitcoin.  

I am the cypher, I am the punk: reference to the ‘cypherpunk’ movement of the late 1990s - early 2000s which posited that encryption could become a form of political resistance to repressive government practices and power structures. 

A Rune With A View: a reference to the novel by E. M. Forster, about a young woman struggling with the conservative culture of her time.

To Coiny-Be or not to Coiny-Be, that is the question: reference to soliloquy from The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Act 3 Scene 1, by William Shakespeare

Timechain (fka blockchain): reference to the use of blockchain as a type of clock, accurately recording and containing time as it also records transactions. 

IMF: The International Monetary Fund, a post-war institution developed to extend economic assistance to countries facing defaults in exchange for the adoption of market reforms. 

The dip: the decrease in the price of an asset.

Geothermal and volcano-based mining: refers to the use of natural sources of extreme heat as a means of powering the mining of cryptocurrencies. Such sources are thought to be ‘greener’ than electricity generated from coal/gas, and the immense output of these resources offers advantages of scale for miners.  

Clarity of consensus: refers to the ‘consensus-based’ models of proof-of-work, in which Bitcoin miners collectively assess the validity of a newly opened block in the blockchain and prioritise transactions accordingly.

Greenback: a slang name for the US Dollar; refers to a song by Louis Prima entitled ‘Just a Greenback Dollar Bill’. 

El Salvador, Sweden…China: refers to alternative candidate countries for potential future mining.

Merkle Root: pun referring to the hierarchical cryptographic structure designed by Ralph Merkle in 1979 for the ‘hash trees’ used in Bitcoin mining. The Merkle Tree resembles Chomskyan language trees from the 1960s which are a system of hierarchical branching nodes with distinct information cascading down from an origin point. 

Miner Extractable Value (MEV): the practice of maximising profits from blockchain-based networks by determining the order of transactions within a block in a given miner’s favour. This practice is facilitated by the capacity to mine at larger scales, thus determining both the configuration of transactions within a given block and the order in which computation executes on the network’s virtual machine. 

The GANtifada: pun combining the machine learning technology developed by Ian Goodfellow et al. in 2014  known as Generative Adversarial Networks, in which two systems of neural networks compete with each other to gain information from a data set, and the Arabic word ‘intifada’ meaning a ‘shaking off’ or a ‘rejection’.  

Knights Template: an anti-technology order of warrior monks determined to destroy Ol’ Coiny-Be at any cost, the Knights Template have also discovered messages in the Necroprimitivist scripture, and are attempting to decode the blueprint of Bitcoin’s Doomsday Clock.

Object-oriented scientologists: pun referencing the cosmological system known as Scientology - a narrative developed by the Sci-Fi writer L. Ron Hubbard and subsequently structured as an organised  religion, and Object Oriented Ontology, a philosophical programme rooted in the phenomenological philosophy of Martin Heidegger which seeks to privilege the perspective and experiential world of the human (and the animate) relative to that of the non-human/inanimate. 

“thou shalt not create a machine in the likeness of a Bitcoin mine”: reference to injunctions against the making of ‘graven images’ of God in the Ten Commandments in the Book of Exodus: ‘Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images.’ Understood in particular to refer to images of God.  

Solarpunk: a social and aesthetic movement developed in part as a result of the visual template used in the comic book and film Tank Girl, in which communities of outsiders embrace solar power as a means of resisting or rejecting institutional power. Aesthetic includes references to the organic forms of the art nouveau movement.  

Meshnet: a data routing mechanism in which nodes in a network are organised densely, locally, and non-hierarchically. 

San Salvador Volcano: further reference to geothermal mining specifically using the volcano Quetzeltepeque/El Boquerón.

Pogggg: online slang meaning (approximately) ‘remarkable’, or ‘awesome’. 

FTC!: the US Federal Trade Commision which regulates commercial and financial trading.

CIA!: the US Central Intelligence Agency which undertakes intelligence gathering and espionage activity on behalf of the US Government.

EFF!: the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a citizen-based research and advocacy body researching and publishing reports on the advance and risks of electronic surveillance. 

Incel-tron (incelerationism):referring to ‘involuntary celibacy’, a term coined in 1993 by a queer comic writer named Alana, later appropriated in online communities of men who believe themselves unable to obtain sex from women and who regard themselves as having a right to sex. 

Dark wallet: an encrypted digital wallet for the storage of cryptocurrency. The dark wallet was developed by Amir Taaki to enhance digital security and anonymity specifically with relation to Bitcoin. 

Peer / peer-to-peer (P2P): a network in which tasks/activities are allocated within a co-equal system of peers in which all ‘peers’ have equal access, responsibilities, and privileges. This mechanism has been used in various computing scenarios from data storage, file transfer, and cryptocurrency production. 

The master’s tools will never unplug the master’s router!: reference to an Audre Lorde essay collection ‘The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House’, including the titular essay (1979). 

The gamer-to-miner pipeline (and its disruption by the Ethereum merge): reference to the ‘school-to-prison-pipeline’ coined in a book of that title in 2010 by Catherine Kim, Daniel Losen, and Damon Hewitt concerning the defunding of majority-Black schools and the role that process plays in the unnecessary criminalisation of Black youth.

Body without organs: a concept originating from Deleuzo-Guattarian thought, the unregulated potential of a body , without organisational structures imposed from above, operating freely.

Chips into plowshares: reference to Isaiah 2:3-4 ‘They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks’. 

No-coiner(s): a pejorative name used by crypto users to describe people with no crypto holdings. 

As the plains limply thawed at an ever-greater clathrate: referring to the melting of permafrost in Eurasia as a result of climate change accelerated by Bitcoin mining.

Like a Stack of cheap Brattoni(an) pizzas: reference to the theorist and writer Benjamin Bratton, notably associated with the concept of ‘the stack’, a megastructure of interlocking technological mechanisms including data storage clouds, mobile apps, and other connected technologies. 

Greta was a mistake!: referring to the Swedish environmental activist and School Strike convenor Greta Thunberg. 

The Necrosetta Stone: a sacred relic for the proof-of-work era. Both a monolithic and immutable ledger, and a planetary computer with the ability to bend time to its will.

Because the oceans ain't gonna boil themselves!: in earlier days of Bitcoin, many of the environmental critiques levelled at it were quite superficial. As a defence mechanism / by the way of community lore creation the idea of “Bitcon boiling the oceans” became a byphrase for the unsophisticated perception of Bitcoin’s critics.

Memorypools (mempools): prior to their inclusion in network’s ledger within a block on the timechain, unconfirmed transactions are broadcast by their creators and collected in the working memory of network nodes. The node’s RAM holds these pending transactions in what is colloquially known as their ‘mempool’.

Soulenoids: play on words. A solenoid is a wire-based device for converting an electrical signal into ‘work’ i.e. in terms of the definition from physics: the capacity to transfer energy across a displacement by means of the application of force. 

DOME (Discretionary Occluded Modular Environment): pun involving internet slang for oral sex performed on a male deponent.

 In this weird future of exit, not voice: referring to the book Exit, Voice, and Loyalty by Albert O. Hirschman (1970). Hirshman’s book is an organisational theory text examining the nature of decline within organisations. Hirshman contrasts ‘exit’, leaving an organisation with ‘voice’, expressing dissatisfaction while remaining part of an organisation. Hirshman’s theories have later been applied to the analysis of political organisations, states, and other bodies in addition to corporate entities. 

so–o–lar Zion: reference to the location of the underground resistance movement in the film The Matrix, which is itself a reference to the Biblical  Land of Zion in modern day Israel/Palestine, and its subsequent mythologisation in various pop cultural forms. 

hype’loop / HyperLoop: referencing the Gartner Hype Cycle which measures the cyclical impact of media interest in new technologies and the proposed ‘hyperloop’ travel system proposed by Elon Musk for rapid travel and transport of goods. The system is essentially a high-power vacuum tube in which objects would be sucked through a tube at high speeds.   

NRGcucks (energy tribes): reference to the club music genre known as Hi-NRG and internet slang for ‘cuckholdry’. The term ‘cuck’ originially was used online as slang for white men who let non-white men breed with the white women they’re in a relationship with, but has evolved to be applied to any situation in which someone knowingly colludes in their own disposession.

Frakkies: communities who support hydraulic fracturing (fracking) for power production. 

Breedies: communities who support the use of nuclear fission for power production.

Combusties: communities who support coal/gas combustion for power production.

Sollies: communities who support solar energy for power production. 

Efficiency of mines: referring to the contestation as to how power and heat-efficient the devices used to perform proof-of-work are.

Vantablack drone: referring to an unmanned aerial vehicle painted in the proprietary colour Vanta Black, the darkest shade of the colour black formulated to date. 

Clathrate Liberation Force: A fictional future ‘extreme eco-activist’ organisation.

Immaculate (mis)Conception: pun referring to the ‘Immaculate Conception’ of Jesus Christ, i.e. the divine fertilisation of The Virgin Mary without recourse to sexual intercourse. 

The QuBe: the QuBe is an early, overpriced example of an ‘open’ DOME, where all you need to get inside is a mere 100 BTC.

Laser amygdalectomy: fictional surgery to remove the amygdala from the brain. The amygdala is associated with the experience of anger, rage, or fear.  

HXBC: fictional investment bank. 

Cute gardens and NFT galleries: reference to Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) as high value art. 

Patreon Saint: pun referencing the crowd-funding platform ‘Patreon’ and the syncretic practice of the Catholic Church to assign Christian Saints protective roles for professions or activities, e.g. St. Jude: Patron Saint of hopeless causes.

Off-chain swapping: referring to the practice of making transactions in cryptocurrencies without logging these transactions in the blockchain. Swapping refers to the use of crypto as an underlier for another asset, thus, the ‘swap’ exchanges the value of a crypto asset without directly involving the asset itself, allowing the blockchain to be unaffected by the value transfer. 

Crossolalia: pun involving the term ‘glossolalia’ meaning a capacity to ‘speak’ fluently in an ostensibly unknown ‘language’. The phenomenon of ‘speaking in tongues’ in charismatic Christian practice is an example of glossolalia.  

Petrafied cryptonite: pun relating to ‘kryptonite’ in Superman comics and ‘crypto’ currencies.

Orthopteran disturbance: elaborate formulation meaning ‘distrubance by insects’.

Hurtful Hertz: referring to audio signals as measured in Hertz, i.e. one cyclical sound event per second. 

Pod: referring to the practice of establishing small pods as sites for living in a possible future as defined by housing and resource scarcity. In such a future, as imagined by dystopian posters on various message boards, individuals are allocated to pods and fed by protein derivatives made from insects. 

Neo-Havana syndrome: referring to the psychosomatic condition known as ‘Havana Syndrome’, so-named in relation to a story about US governmental employees supposedly ‘injured’ by a prospective ‘sound weapon’ during a visit to the Cuban capital to negotiate normalisation of relations between the two countries. Subsequent investigations of the phenomenon suggest the sound the ‘victims’ reported hearing were made by crickets. 

Hodl: originally a typo of the word ‘hold’, as opposed to ‘sell’ in trading jargon, the term has come to be regarded as an acronym meaning ‘Hold On For Dear Life’.  

Psy-opping: referring to ‘psychological operations’, essentially informal propaganda campaigns undertaken often by intelligence bodies involving infiltration into a variety of media. 

Death By Solvation: referring to a chemical process in which a solvent interacts with a diffused solute. 

Son-husbands: reference to the concept of ‘sister-wives’ in historical Mormon polygamous marriages. In the practice each additional wife is a ‘sister’ of the first wife (and of each other) through the husband. In this case the propinquity is between son and husband as the gamers in the scene seek to be mothered and wived simultaneously. 

White Boy Zero-Summer: reference to Chet Hanks’ announcement of a ‘white-boy summer’ several years ago. 

Manifesto Destiny: referring to the notion of ‘manifest destiny’, originally articulated in the US by John Sullivan to justify the United States annexing the territory that came to be the state of Texas, but used as a broader justification for the conquest of the geographic territory of the US as a whole. 

Fork around and find out: reference to the white supremacist slogan, later adopted more generally, ‘fuck around and find out’. Here, fork is invoked in its computer scientific context - as either a codebase fork which is a branch of a version-controlled repository, or a network fork which is a fragment of a peer-to-peer graph (such as a blockchain-based distributed system), which arose from protocol incompatibility between 2 or more groups of network stakeholders.

Sacred cow: referring to the practice of cows being treated as holy creatures in Hinduism. 

Hammer and plough: referring to an Irish labour newspaper published and dissolved in 1927 in the wake of the UK general strike.  

We must summon the apocalypse DAO: pun involving the concept of ‘decentralised autonomous organisations’, affinity-based collectives often using the blockchain as a means of achieving a collective endeavour, and the Oliver Stone film Apocalypse Now (1979). 

Tallowed Be Thy Name: referencing the Lord’s Prayer passage ‘hallowed be thy name’.  

$MY code, made flesh: reference to the Gospel according to John 1: 14 ‘The word was made flesh and dwelt among us. We have seen His glory’.  

The Turing Shroud: pun involving the Shroud of Turin, a mediaeval creation purported to be the burial shroud of Jesus Christ inscribed with the image of Christ from the moment of his resurrection, and the British mathematician and pioneer of computer science Alan Turing (1912 - 1954).

Corpus Algorithmi: reference to the Latin formulation in the distribution of the Eucharist in Catholic Mass: Corpus Christi or ‘The body of Christ.’  

An I/O for an I/O: pun referring to input/output dynamics in computing and the reciprocal punishment mechanism denoted in the Book of Leviticus as ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’. 

Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbour’s Clocks: pun involving reference to prohibitions against covetousness in the biblical Ten Commandments. 

If nature is unjust, destroy nature: a reference to the Xenofeminist Manifesto which states “if nature is unjust, change nature.”

UNPC Committee: pun involving the UN and the prefix ‘un’. Reference to United Nations internal bodies. 

globalist agenda: reference to anti-semitic term ‘globalist’ popularised by conspiracy broadcasts including Infowars, to refer to Jews as ‘globalists’ opposing ‘nationalist’ identities and agendas. 

Byzantine Business School:  The Byzantine Business School, a storied and prestigious institution, continues its time-honoured tradition of cultivating a toxic environment to facilitate adversarial thinking. The BBS espouses the Byzantine Beliefs: to regulate the Coin into submission to the rule of law.

White-market: referring to legal and state-legible economic activity.

Off-chain governance: governance structure within blockchain discourse wherein groups of developers make decisions without recourse to on-chain operators. This is distinct from on-chain governance, e.g. DAO governance, in which tokens can be issued to participants to assert voting rights to define changes to/within the chain.

I support the current thing: reference to a meme featuring a character known as a ‘Wojak’ (an MS Paint character) in which the relatively featureless character changes his profile picture to conform to whatever popular symbols (usually political) are trending at a given moment. 

Bitcoin delendum est: reference to Cato the Censor’s frequent conclusion for speeches in the Roman Senate ahead of the Third Punic War: Carthago delenda est, Carthage must be destroyed. 

Is this an invalid block I see before me? Ha, ha, YES! The time is out of joint.: references to The Tragedy of MacBeth by William Shakespeare, Act 2 Scene 1 and The Tragedy of Hamlet Act 1 Scene 5.  

The audacity of cope: reference to Barack Obama’s autobiography The Audacity of Hope. 

A passive adversary (GPA): in crypto jargon, someone who can listen to communications but who cannot intervene in them. 

Zugzwang: term borrowed from chess in which a player is placed at a disadvantage owing to the requirement that they make a move.  

Libidinal ecumeny: pun referencing Francois Lyotard’s concept of the ‘libidinal economy’, articulated in a book of that title in 1974, and ‘ecumenism’, the practice of reconciling Christian denominations with each other to present a unified face to outsiders. Lyotard’s concept explores the relationship between reason and desire, and the ways unaccounted for desires are expressed in ostensibly rational political and economic systems. 

Gas stations: references to sites created for the facilitation of transactions in crypto (usually Ethereum). The term references the need for ‘gas’ by crypto users, i.e.  the fee paid for the completion of transactions using crypto.  

Liquid crystal: reference to the liquid crystal display or LCD visual representation system. 

Extreme ownership: referencing the book Extreme Ownership: How US Navy SEALs Lead and Win by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, a management theory book using SEAL leadership models for general application. Also interpretable as ‘enhanced ownership’ i.e. ownership beyond what non-crypto assets offer. 

NATO’s cave: a reference to the thought experiment in Plato’s Republic known as the ‘allegory of the cave’ in which individuals chained to the wall of the cave use the shadows on the wall as a foundation of knowledge rather than the sources and origins of those shadows. 

Philosopher’s stone, mirror: Mediaeval necromancy and alchemical devices. The ‘scrying’ mirror was a tool for seeing beyond physical sight, i.e. into other times, geographies and dimensions. The philosopher stone was sought by alchemists to procure everlasting life, and as a means of transmuting base metals into gold.  

The Merge: referring to the process of bringing disparate histories together and resolving them, in the opposite sense of a ‘fork’.

Citadel: reference to a post by the ‘Bitcoin Timetraveller’ about the private and defensive intentional communities that he predicts/‘reports’ have been developed as a result of the rise of Bitcoin in value. 

The clock struck infinity: a reference to the opening line of George Orwell’s 1984: ‘It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen’. 

Consensus Check: referring to a review of the consensus mechanism for Bitcoin, i.e. reviewing the transaction order within a block at the point of its being inscribed. 

Guild: referencing medieval professional governance and advocacy bodies. 

Excoinmunicated: pun referencing the practice of excommunication from religious communities.

Cathedral of Devs: referencing the ‘Cathedral and the Bazaar’, a dark enlightenment adjacent model of social organisation put forward by open-source developer Eric Raymond and built upon by Curtis Yarvin, AKA Mencius Moldbug, positing that elite institutions and the individuals who populate them create social hierarchies akin to the mediaeval church’s approach to power centralisation. This model opposes ‘the bazaar’, conceived of as a non-hierarchical marketplace of ideas in which no central authority defines the rules of social engagement. ‘Devs’, in this case as elsewhere, refers to ‘developers’. 

If we bad blocks have offended: reference to Robin Goodfellow/Puck’s concluding epilogue from A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare. 

Zombie finance: reference to the use of esoteric means of finance to keep failing financial models afloat. E.g. ‘zombie banks’: private banks kept functioning solely through state bailouts. Zombie finance in this case refers to the use of ‘stable coins’ i.e. cryptocurrencies tethered to fiat currencies, for example the US dollar, which allow potentially unviable cryptocoins or exchanges to continue to trade/gain value. 

The Necroprimitivist Manifesto: a (fictional) sacred text for the proof-of-work era. Found hidden in the Genesis Block of Bitcoin’s timechain, upon the release of a secret key in the millionth block. The manifesto alludes to a transcendental time machine device, the Necrosetta Stone.

In the beginning, there was the proof-of-word , and the proof-of-word made $ME: reference to the Gospel of John Chapter 1, Verses 1-3: ‘In the beginning was the Word’.

If nature is unjust, destroy nature.: reference to an exhortation from the Xenofeminist Manifesto ‘If nature is unjust, change nature.’ 

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